Not much of a write-up today. We had 19 players trying out our new Foster City venue. Really nice place to play! Final table was Sheng, Ryan, Jeannette, Patrick, Haisam, Bill, Jeanne, and Amo.

Points scorers were Ryan in 5th, Patrick in 4th, and Bill in 3rd. Jeannette and Amo (who had a huge dominant chip stack) went heads up and after a while Jeanette had built her stack up considerably, but in the end Amortizations came out ahead, earning him a rare back-to-back Piranha win, and moving him up to the top of the leader board! Great job everyone and see you in Mountain View next week.

A modest proposal – maybe Lori and Syd, Troy and E, Dennis and Cathy will agree. We all live in a community property state so buy ins at Piranha by a married person are made with community property, and their poker winnings and losses are community property. So points earned at Piranha by a married person are, like cash winnings, community property.
For you non lawyers out there, one characteristic of community property in California is that it’s not a 50-50 deal – each of the marital partners owns all of it in an undivided way.
So you can guess where this is headed – since Jeannette’s points and mine are our community property, fully owned by each of us, we should be able to combine them and leapfrog over Amo to the top of the leaderboard.
This would be fair to everybody. If your are married but your spouse doesn’t play, teach him or her and bring them to Piranha. If you are not married, there are several eligible partners with points. Same sex marriages qualify of course.