The double points tournament is over, and it had a huge effect on our points standing for the season. Dominic Chan took it down, and launched into first place overall with a whopping 103 points. Madhav Goyal placed second, starting him out in 5th place after his first ever Piranha event, and season newcomer Ilya Matyukhin surfed his short stack all the way to third place, spiking him up to 2nd overall.

The remaining points scorers were Dennis Koeller (18), Dennis Kim (10) and Jeannette Sims (4). Rounding out the final table were Bill Sims and Ricky Flora.

We’re exactly halfway through the season and still have plenty of points to earn until the end. Time to get grinding. The next event is in Mountain View, remember to RSVP here.
Remember, the last tournament of the year in May is also double points, so it’s truly anyone’s game. It’s a good time for a reminder: Since the double points tournaments also count as two games, anyone who wants to play in our final event in May must have played a maximum 10 of their 12 events previously. If you have played 11 events, you will not be eligible to play in the May double points tournament! Just giving everyone the heads up so nobody is surprised and disappointed.