Point Distribution per Total Number of Players

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  • #883
    Andy P

    Maybe this has already been discussed, but I noticed that the point distribution this year is slightly different from previous years. Can we publish the new point distribution (formula) somewhere? We can perhaps have a simple query that has the total number of players as input, then shows the points structure as output. This can likely replace the hand written “payout” paper that gets passed around. BTW, I noticed this because the first place points for tournament #3 went to 62 after it was originally published on the website as 61.

    Tony Gaglione

    Andy that was because we had a mistake in counting the players. There was a confusion with a late add and a no show. The point structure is the same as all previous years. You can find it in the Rulebook section on this site.

    Tony Gaglione
    Andy P

    Thanks for the reply. I actually asked Rodney to either remove or edit my original post a few days ago to reflect that the points seem consistent now. At the time of the original post, I had checked the points against the records I had for Season 8 tournament #6 and tournament #11. You will see why there was confusion – those were likely not updated with correct number of players either.

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